

The relative growth of the UD every [dtReeval] period
c = 0.0488 (4.88%)

Time period between two UD
dt = 86400 s (1 day(s))

UD(0), i.e. initial Universal Dividend
ud0 = 1000

Minimum delay between two certifications of a same issuer
sigPeriod = 432000 s (5 day(s))

Maximum quantity of active certifications made by member
sigStock = 100

Maximum delay a certification can wait before being expired for non-writing
sigWindow = 5259600 s (2 month(s))

Maximum age of an active certification
sigValidity = 63115200 s (2 year(s))

Minimum delay before replaying a certification
sigReplay = 5259600 s (2 month(s))

Minimum quantity of signatures to be part of the WoT
sigQty = 5

Maximum delay an identity can wait before being expired for non-writing
idtyWindow = 5259600 s (2 month(s))

Maximum delay a membership can wait before being expired for non-writing
msWindow = 5259600 s (2 month(s))

Minimum delay between 2 memberships of a same issuer
msPeriod = 5259600 s (2 month(s))

Minimum percent of sentries to reach to match the distance rule
xpercent = 0.8 (80%)

Maximum age of an active membership
msValidity = 31557600 s (1 year(s))

Maximum distance between a WOT member and [xpercent] of sentries
stepMax = 5

Number of blocks used for calculating median time
medianTimeBlocks = 24

The average time for writing 1 block (wished time)
avgGenTime = 300 s (5 minute(s))

The number of blocks required to evaluate again PoWMin value
dtDiffEval = 12

The proportion of calculating members not excluded from the proof of work
percentRot = 0.67 (67%)

Time of first UD
udTime0 = 1488970800 s (2017-03-08 12:00:00 +0100 CET)

Time of first reevaluation of the UD
udReevalTime0 = 1490094000 s (2017-03-21 12:00:00 +0100 CET)

Time period between two re-evaluation of the UD
dtReeval = 15778800 s (6 month(s))

Maximum delay a transaction can wait before being expired for non-writing
txWindow = 604800 s (7 day(s))
